PLU 4159
Vidalia Onions
At the grocery, refer to the PLU Sticker to verify the onion is an authentic, genuine Vidalia.
Genuine Vidalias use the PLU sticker number 4159.
PLU stands for “price look-up”, and is a code number grocers use to identify produce when checking customers out at the register. It can also be used by customers as a designation of origin, as grocers often carry several types of onions (yellow, white, red, etc), and can mistakenly mix similar types together. This sticker can be an effective way to ensure you’re buying a true Vidalia at the supermarket.
In contrast, though, Vidalias ordered direct from our farm & shipped to your front-door have no PLU, as we only grow, pack & ship genuine, authentic Vidalias, so no sticker is needed.
We seasonally ship Vidalia onion from late April to August each year, from our packing shed to your front-door. Genuine, authentic. 🧅